I think the frequent hospital stays weren’t something any of us expected but everyone rallied to keep someone with Mathew 95% of the time. Sometimes Mathew sent one of us home before the other had arrived because he still needed alone time.
I remember this hospital stay. It was one of the smaller rooms. I slept in a chair. Mathew still needed help getting to and from the bathroom. Mainly, getting the IV unplugged and pushed into the room for him. One time when I was helping him put on his slippers, I remember seeing one half of his foot was still swollen and the other half wasn’t. It was so odd and by the next day, the swelling in the entire foot was gone.
Texts between me and Diane
Good Morning. I could go up there
and relieve Arpie in a little while and let
Russell visit a few minutes. Then I could
stay through the day and give you a break.
Let me know.
Rec’d 3-23-14
Ok, That would give me a chance
to clean his ‘apartment’ but you better
check with his nurse, Nick, before
taking Russell in for his sake and Mathew’s
since Russell goes to school and we
don’t want to expose Mathew to anything.
But the nurse will know.
I looked at the instructions.
As long as Russell isn’t sick.
Or had any vaccinations, recently.
Sent 3-23-14
Yes, I was just thinking about Russell
exposing him to something but we can
just do our trade off in the lobby or something.
Arpie and I will work it out.
Rec’d 3-23-14
Have Arpie as the nurse. I don’t
want to have Russell miss a
chance to see him.
Thanks so much.
Wait until you see how
much fluid is gone from
from Mat’s legs.
Sent 3-23 14
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