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Showing posts from November 4, 2018

Mathew's Journal Ritalin Helps Him Be Productive

Mathew’s Journal 5-7-14 I almost fall every time I’m in the shower. Thank God Bob Larkin installed a handrail for free. It’s my lifeline with my newfound shower privileges.  - on days I’m too weak I still give myself a sponge bath in fear I’ll hit my head.  - Finally now with running water and Dial soap the black bandage lines are rolling up and washing down the drain.  - I have stretch marks on my legs from the edema . They look like red streaks of lightning on my inner thigh, leading up to my groin. Ritalin Ritalin - it’s what fills the pages - it’s a miracle for the last 2 weeks all I could do was sleep.    - doze off while reading, watching TV, or playing video games.   - go see the doctor and she says I can take more Ritalin again, (one of the doctors had significantly lowered my dose). But now I have that fire again, but I’m nervous too - as my veins are going to be filled with that wrathful chemo. A lot of times I’m cold but I’m sweating. I fall asle

Sarcoma Cancer Patient Artwork

One of the pain and palliative doctors is concerned because Mathew is waking up soaked in sweat. She explained why this concerned her. At this moment I don’t recall enough to give an adequate explanation and I am learning not to get so hung up on the details that I stop moving forward with this project. Dr. Knght makes the decision to give Mathew Ritalin so that he does more than just sleep. He started taking it during a 5-day chemo inpatient stay.  This drawing was the result of that first week on Ritalin. Later on, Mathew colored it in. You can see that photo by going to Confections for Cats Facebook page.