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Showing posts from June 10, 2018

Ways to Prevent Infection and Colds for Cancer Patients with Compromised Immune Systems

I’ve always been a germaphobe and felt it paid off at this time. Though the doctors did tell me that most infections would be self infections, in other words, things that are normally in our bodies but because of a lowered immune system, cause problems. But it is still important to be vigilant and it may take a little imagination to realize all the ways someone can be exposed to potential infections or colds. I’ve mentioned before that while staying at my sister's home, I would wake up early and clean and disinfect everything that Mathew might touch.  light switches TV remotes doorknobs faucets and handles door jams the arms of chairs refrigerator doors and handles coffee pot handle car door handle You get the picture, anything and everything. I did the same when he was staying at Moffitt. In addition, I was advised to make sure everyone who entered the room used the hand sanitizer.  I also avoided riding the elevators unless Mathew was with me.

The Memories from Mathew's Journey Through Sarcoma Are Very Clear

It’s been a week or more since I have posted. It’s not that I don’t have enough to write about. Memories and ideas are like a constant stream of consciousness slideshow. Sometimes a moment in time settles with such clarity, the sounds and smells and feelings, that I almost feel as if I can turn to Mathew and say, “Do you remember that?”  As if he can meet me within the clearest of memories. He can meet me and not have to experience the pain and fear. I wonder if he feels sorry for me that it is all still so clear for me.