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Showing posts from April 29, 2018

Mathew's Journal, Making the Best Decisions Based on Precedent

From Mathew’s Journal 3-28-2014 Woke up this morning definitely feeling the effects of the chemo. I was awoken by mother cleaning and instantly aware of the fact that the room was spinning and my stomach was doing gymnastics. After the morning routine in the restroom and taking down handfuls of Rx, my grandmother brought me a breakfast of toast and bacon. I told them I didn’t think I could handle the eggs. I’m second guessing the bacon, although surprisingly delicious as well. Now I am belching incessantly and wondering if I am going to vomit. Eventually, I tend to have a large belch that alleviates most of the pressure making nausea or diarrhea or constipation more bearable. Had to go to Moffitt to get some shot or another. It was in the same section of the hospital that I had gotten chemo yesterday. Apparently, there had to be a 24-hour gap between chemo and the shot so I had to wait another hour. I was lucky enough to be put in a room with a bed and used this

Part 2 VDC Chemotherapy, From Mathew's Journal

First VDC chemotherapy, Part 2. From Mathew's Journal Written while at the infusion center receiving first VDC chemo. Last night I woke up from a nightmare. I have dreams of hell a lot since Diane told me I was going there. Sometimes I wake up (illegible)    Sometimes I am Sometimes I wake up talking to people who aren’t there. My Mother who sleeps usually in the hospital room, den, or bedroom with me will ask what’s wrong. “I’m talking in my sleep again.” When my Father stays to watch me he does not awake to  ask what’s wrong. I believe this is due to his hearing aids being out.