This post reminds me of one of the recurring themes, or inside jokes between me and Mathew during this time. One was from The Animaniacs, Good Idea, Bad Idea, which sometimes, such as this day, translated to Good News Bad News but with the crazy theme music going on in my head.
The good news, the tumor has shrunk considerably.
The bad news, the spleen is enlarged.
Texts between me and Allison
Doctors just came in.
Still waiting for culture on bile.
Spleen is slightly enlarged. Some fluid in pelvis.
Tumor has gone from
14.8 x 13.3 cm to 9.6 X 9.2 centimeters!!!
Theme today to get pain under control.
Sent April 1
Great response with just one cycle yay
Received April 1
I wonder if the fluid is from the edema in his genitals.
Don't sure problem with Spleen
Sent April 1
The fluid from his abdomen will go into the
scrotum. It communicates with that space they
can settle there via gravity
Received April 1
Spleen probably enlarged as congestion
from the veins bringing it to the liver
Received April 1
Sent April 1
Was talking to pain doctor and she
wondered if new Neulasta caused white blood
cells to collect there.
Sent April 1
Now I worry about stupid spleen.
Sent April 1
Know it stimulates the marrow to produce
white cells and release them into the circulation.
Are they worried about the spleen? Because
it's minimally enlarged I wouldn't be and
I'm not surprised given the tumor location
and liver blockage.
Received April 1
They didn't seem overly worried as
they poked and poked him and
made it hurt more.
They think that's what's causing
the pain and it was all of a sudden.
Sent April 1
Y? It's just possibly congested.
Besides you can live without a spleen.
Received April 1
Enlarged half centimeter. I didn't think
you needed it plus these weren't his
usual team and were keeping poker faces.
Sent April 1
Usually liver and spleen can hurt if get
bigger and the outer capsule stretches.
But still nothing to worry about usually.
Received April 1
Half centimeter is nothing!
Received April 1
Sent April 1
I'm serious that's like half your pinky finger width!
Received April 1
Okay size went from 17.3 to 18.6
Sent April 1
Spleen? It's enlarged but don't worry
about it if the doctors aren’t.
Received April 1
Sent April 1
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